fhisa: DSCF5415.JPG
fhisa: We Love Ruby!
fhisa: AC/DC, Stranvinsky & Rails
fhisa: Why the Lucky Stiff and the Thirsty Cups
fhisa: Why the Lucky Stiff and the Thirsty Cups
fhisa: Wyh the Lucky Stiff and the Thirsty Cups
fhisa: hiring
fhisa: Yeah! Why!
fhisa: nice guys!
fhisa: Three of the four participants from Japan
fhisa: Maeda-san (right) was interviewed on Internet radio
fhisa: インターネットラジオに出演中の前田さん
fhisa: DHH
fhisa: why and me
fhisa: why and me
fhisa: railsconf2006 message board
fhisa: railsconf2006 message board
fhisa: railsconf2006 message board
fhisa: railsconf2006 message board
fhisa: railsconf2006 message board
fhisa: pragdave's autograph
fhisa: practice for autograph