Hiroki ~: メガネ
Hiroki ~: タチコマ
Hiroki ~: モニターの左側
Hiroki ~: My 1Ds3 with Tachikoma
Hiroki ~: むりやり合成 その4
Hiroki ~: チャイナさん
Hiroki ~: チャイナさん
Hiroki ~: チャイナさん
Hiroki ~: 標準レンズにしてみた
Hiroki ~: The China-san Strikes Back
Hiroki ~: The China-san Strikes Back
Hiroki ~: Yet another Tachikomatic day #2
Hiroki ~: Yet another Tachikomatic day #1
Hiroki ~: My Ear Impression
Hiroki ~: Felicia
Hiroki ~: lighting umbrella with diffuser
Hiroki ~: lighting umbrella with diffuser
Hiroki ~: lighting umbrella with diffuser
Hiroki ~: Felicia on the redbrick
Hiroki ~: Focusing screen "Ec-C IV" vs "Ec-S"
Hiroki ~: ANA!
Hiroki ~: 200 f/2L ででーん
Hiroki ~: がったいだー! x1.4 テレコン + 580ex2 + ブラケット
Hiroki ~: Felicia on the redbrick
Hiroki ~: Cooldown 1min
Hiroki ~: He is not your father
Hiroki ~: posing China-san