Takao Iwata: paddling through silent river
yi_newworld: Tokyo Snap 3/5(Or Upon the dull Earth)
Takao Iwata: happy winter life
yi_newworld: 2023年の初走り
fumiふみ***: 家路/way home
Takao Iwata: Late afternoon light
gaussnewton: Large and small
Takao Iwata: autumn leaves
fumiふみ***: 帰り道/way home
yi_newworld: 食彩も秋の色4/5
blokkcat: standing still
fishyfish_arcade: Mist across the lake
Junichi Ochiai: Sumida river
yi_newworld: 野趣一点
chris7549: 沙崙海灘
Junichi Ochiai: Cafe reflection
Chichika: cycling
Nozomu!: Portrait, April 2009
Fencejo: Sea & sky
Takao Iwata: orange colored moment
yi_newworld: 夏の小径。電柱が続いて行く
ringo134: Acantilados que revelan tiempos antiguos y una vista del mar