hiro_take: scan0013_14
hiro_take: scan0013_13
hiro_take: scan0013_12
hiro_take: sunset
hiro_take: torii
hiro_take: chapel
hiro_take: sky&trees
hiro_take: 松屋町
hiro_take: 手水舎
hiro_take: shine through
hiro_take: 長堀通り
hiro_take: 松屋町周辺
hiro_take: Voigtlaender COLOR SKOPAR 35mm f2.5
hiro_take: Stairs
hiro_take: Sunset & Moon
hiro_take: Branches
hiro_take: Harajuku Station
hiro_take: Harajuku Station
hiro_take: Keyhole on the wall
hiro_take: pelican
hiro_take: Front door
hiro_take: Sunlight&Shadow
hiro_take: Shitennoji
hiro_take: Alley
hiro_take: Alley
hiro_take: おみくじ/a written oracle
hiro_take: 記念碑/a stone monument
hiro_take: 坐摩神社/ Ikasuri shrine
hiro_take: 明治天皇聖躅/a stone monument of Emperor Meiji
hiro_take: 大阪 空堀界隈/Osaka Karahori area