themombat: Danbo, mini Danbo, Midori Travelers Notebook. At the park.
themombat: At the park
themombat: Stack.
themombat: Me and my MTN
themombat: My favorite pen.
themombat: Little books.
themombat: My sticky notes.
themombat: Where I write
themombat: In my bag.
themombat: Washi tape
themombat: Floppy insert.
themombat: Dashboard front.
themombat: Dashboard back
themombat: Sigh. My Midori obsession continues.
themombat: Aw, Haymitch using the Midori as a pillow.
themombat: Midori "supplies"
themombat: The Labbits are plotting how to decorate a new Midori insert.
themombat: Poetry is art, yo.
themombat: To-do list.
themombat: Current view.
themombat: Midori and my favorite drink.
themombat: My shoes and my Midori.
themombat: So much crap (aka awesome stuff) in my Midori.
themombat: Dashboard
themombat: Dashboard
themombat: Not-a-clock.
themombat: A swack-load of pens.