Keeley Kennahan: strange sculpture in Atlanta
Keeley Kennahan: atlanta sculpture
Keeley Kennahan: fun ride sculpture
Keeley Kennahan: IMG_8991
Keeley Kennahan: Atlanta tree in need of a hat
Keeley Kennahan: stairwells @ the clermont
Keeley Kennahan: the infamous clermont!
Keeley Kennahan: IMG_8971
Keeley Kennahan: can't even imagine how many people have od'ed or slapped a hooker in this room
Keeley Kennahan: peekin through the blinds @ the clermont lounge
Keeley Kennahan: The Infamous Clermont Hotel
Keeley Kennahan: snow covered scion driven to scion fest
Keeley Kennahan: and i thought the forecast was full of shit
Keeley Kennahan: this did not seem typical of atlanta
Keeley Kennahan: open for seedy business since the 1920's
Keeley Kennahan: home of the beercrushing boobalas
Keeley Kennahan: leslie scopin out the view
Keeley Kennahan: under construction!
Keeley Kennahan: cancer dispenser