~hippiechic~: The Gold----Venice
~hippiechic~: all in the game---Venice
~hippiechic~: A nook on the Grand Canal, Venice
~hippiechic~: Burano, Italy (Island of Venice)
~hippiechic~: Sunset Grand.....Venice
~hippiechic~: Morning Ride in Venice
~hippiechic~: Faded Opulence, Venice
~hippiechic~: A May Day, Burano Island, Italy
~hippiechic~: Venice, I love every back alley inch of it
~hippiechic~: Murano Island Venice
~hippiechic~: A L'il Bit O' Venice
~hippiechic~: Lost on a Venetian Morning
~hippiechic~: Venice,Grand Canal; Epic!
~hippiechic~: Shopping for Lace--Burano Island Venice
~hippiechic~: Just us and History; Venice
~hippiechic~: Gentleman's Club -- Venice
~hippiechic~: Playground on Venice
~hippiechic~: Random Venice Bathroom Sign
~hippiechic~: Off the Rialto--Venice
~hippiechic~: Murano Island, Venice
~hippiechic~: Beautiful Laundry--Venice
~hippiechic~: International Past time--Venice
~hippiechic~: lovely Murano Island Venice
~hippiechic~: A little donation.....
~hippiechic~: Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds--Burano Island, Venice
~hippiechic~: Comments or no......
~hippiechic~: Another day in Paradise--Burano Island
~hippiechic~: Like a fine wine....Burano Island, Venice
~hippiechic~: Playing Mary Poppins--Venice
~hippiechic~: Local Suspect--Murano Island, Venice