hipjointnyc: 5 ply maple 5.5x14" Keller shell with 5 ply reinforcement rings and bearing edges by Precision Drum company
hipjointnyc: double 45 degree bearing edges.
hipjointnyc: 5 ply maple shell and 5 ply maple reinforcement rings
hipjointnyc: Charcaol grey interior stain.
hipjointnyc: Interior waterbased stain.
hipjointnyc: Two coats interior stain. Ready for wrap.
hipjointnyc: Two coats of contact cement on shell.
hipjointnyc: One coat of contact cement on wrap.
hipjointnyc: Disaster. Started crooked. No turning back.
hipjointnyc: Hard to remove. Lesson learned.
hipjointnyc: Black glass glitter disaster.
hipjointnyc: Conact cement hard and seemingly impossible to remove.
hipjointnyc: Klean Strip to the rescue!
hipjointnyc: Sets on for 20 minutes and just wipes the cement right off.
hipjointnyc: Circle jig adapter creation.
hipjointnyc: Screw on to router.
hipjointnyc: Attached to router.
hipjointnyc: Ready to create my new Easy-Wrap-Spindle jig invention.
hipjointnyc: Drill center hole at 8".
hipjointnyc: Cut two 16" discs.
hipjointnyc: Rout a 14" groove to create offset from bearing edge.
hipjointnyc: Shell fits snuggly into groove.
hipjointnyc: Shell and wrap marked for positioning.
hipjointnyc: cut wrap to exact fit on "spindle."
hipjointnyc: test fit and alignment marks.
hipjointnyc: Contact cement on shell.
hipjointnyc: Contact cement on wrap
hipjointnyc: 15 minute dry time.
hipjointnyc: The Cunningham Drums Al Fresco Brooklyn Workshop.
hipjointnyc: Fit shell back in spindle.