mhinca: Cuzco cathedral
mhinca: Who wants a roof when you have a view like that?
mhinca: Here's a llama there's a llama
mhinca: Saqsaywaman and Cusco
mhinca: Fly, Jesús!
mhinca: Layers of Atacama
mhinca: Chewing coca leaves
mhinca: The Cusco - Puno train across the Andes. Raya Pass, 4335 m
mhinca: Terraces of Pisac
mhinca: Machu Picchu
mhinca: Old burial traditions
mhinca: Llama lady
mhinca: Atacama
mhinca: Mr. Moorhen building the nest
mhinca: Andean stream
mhinca: Chevy!
mhinca: Stairs of Cusco
mhinca: Roofs of Cusco
mhinca: El maté de hojas de coca
mhinca: Cusco elementary school yard
mhinca: Cathedral at night
mhinca: Plaza del Armas, Cuzco
mhinca: Above Cuzco
mhinca: Llama Lady
mhinca: Peruvian blue, lovely plumage!
mhinca: Pisac
mhinca: Pisac
mhinca: Very special price
mhinca: Little Peruvian
mhinca: Machu Picchu and Urubamba