himarj: Aged launches
himarj: P1000535-6s
himarj: P1000162-6s
himarj: Gone Forever
himarj: P1010120-6s
himarj: London bridge
himarj: Buoys
himarj: 寶瓶星號 Super Star Aquarius
himarj: P1000491-6s
himarj: The fall of Hanjin
himarj: 中國海警 44107 China Coast Guard
himarj: 南海救 201 China Rescue Ship
himarj: 海巡 31 Marine patrol ship Hai Xun 31
himarj: 南海救 102 China Rescue Ship
himarj: 香港 印洲塘 Double Heaven, Hong Kong
himarj: 列寧號破冰船 Ice breaker "Lenin"
himarj: 渡 primitive ferries
himarj: Buoys
himarj: 漢堡海傍 Hamburg harbour front
himarj: 泊在香港的波蘭訓練船 Dar Mlodziezy, Poland training ship in Hong Kong.
himarj: Dar Mlodziezy set sail for Osaka.
himarj: 維港黃昏 A Victoria Harbour twilight
himarj: Central Pier No. 10 號碼頭
himarj: 標示 Beacon
himarj: 海邊歇歇 Drop by the sea side
himarj: 海天一色, Merging the sea and the sky
himarj: 午後閒情 Lazy Afternoon
himarj: 暮昏 Evening Twinight @ Ocean Cay
himarj: The land fall