himarj: Museum
himarj: Museum
himarj: The magic train
himarj: The magic train
himarj: London
himarj: 飛 、行
himarj: 茶歇 Time for tea
himarj: 山系女孩 Hiking Girl
himarj: Starbuck@Las Vegas
himarj: 瑞士馬特峰 Mount Matterhorn Switzerland
himarj: 渡 primitive ferries
himarj: 等 Waiting
himarj: 鳳凰古城 the ancient City of Phoenix
himarj: 舊金山 San Francisco China Town
himarj: 人像 the portrait
himarj: 巴黎小鎮 Saint German en Laye, Paris
himarj: 微熱山丘鳳梨酥 pineapple cake@SunnyHills
himarj: 虛與實 Real and unreal
himarj: 早安越南 Good Morning Vietnam
himarj: 燈 Lamps
himarj: 地球某一處 Somewhere on the Earth
himarj: 朝聖 Pilgrimage
himarj: 門 Door
himarj: 午後湖邊 Lake side afternoon
himarj: 書店餐室 Bookstore cafe
himarj: 打咭熱點 photographer's stair case
himarj: 監 Prison
himarj: 圈 Circles
himarj: 水栽 water plant
himarj: Afternoon tea show