Affentod: FESTival 07
Affentod: Saxl
Affentod: Service
Affentod: Ekstase
Affentod: Spotlight
Affentod: Guitar Hero
Affentod: Aggression
Affentod: Lead
Affentod: Klassisch
Affentod: Buddy Oli
Affentod: Four Sided Cube im Maisfeld
Affentod: Martin
Affentod: Space Combo
Affentod: Rock On
Affentod: Rock out
Affentod: Wine
Affentod: Rainer in one of his usual poses
Affentod: Standing in the Shadow of the Mic
Affentod: Lost in Reverie
Affentod: Presenting: Porno Wine
Affentod: Drumming for the Cube
Affentod: Singing too, thank you
Affentod: Martin on the drums
Affentod: Acoustic Rocker
Affentod: With all the dedication
Affentod: Filou
Affentod: PK rockin' the guitar
Affentod: Sepp the Bass
Affentod: Depressed Musicians