Affentod: Tear Down
Affentod: E-Stro Fighting
Affentod: Happy eStro
Affentod: Watching Replays
Affentod: In Love
Affentod: The Devil
Affentod: Hugz
Affentod: WoW Winners
Affentod: Happy Fan
Affentod: Autograph Session
Affentod: Grubby, Sky, moon Fighting!
Affentod: Poses for the photographers
Affentod: Nice shot?
Affentod: Political Attention
Affentod: Chinese Sky Fans
Affentod: Highlight of the Day
Affentod: Promoter Lineup
Affentod: Greetings to the Visitors
Affentod: Tournament Area
Affentod: Don't Push
Affentod: World of Walking
Affentod: Clap Your Hands, Say Yeah
Affentod: Costume Party
Affentod: This Way
Affentod: Captain
Affentod: Our Tournament Area
Affentod: ESL TV at work
Affentod: Makeup