Affentod: New York
Affentod: Excalibur
Affentod: Las Vegas needs more rooms
Affentod: Paris tower
Affentod: Traffic
Affentod: Twilight
Affentod: I love these
Affentod: Mosaic
Affentod: Welcome to the jungle
Affentod: Room with a view
Affentod: Flamingo pool
Affentod: Beatles in Venice?
Affentod: Venetian lobby
Affentod: Fake sky
Affentod: O sole mio
Affentod: Hotel shopping mall
Affentod: Venice
Affentod: Wheel of Fortune
Affentod: Larger than M
Affentod: Our hotel for the second night
Affentod: Get out
Affentod: Vegas grows
Affentod: Loooo....ooong
Affentod: Las Vegas Boulevard
Affentod: Our hostel for 7 hours and 43 minutes
Affentod: Baggage claim
Affentod: Welcome to Disneyland (with hookers and slot machines)