Affentod: Tourists
Affentod: Blocks
Affentod: Shopping Mall
Affentod: Hotels
Affentod: Tower
Affentod: Beijing Roads
Affentod: Bird's Nest
Affentod: Flats
Affentod: Cats on tin roof
Affentod: Restaurant
Affentod: Mosque? Church?
Affentod: Walled City
Affentod: Quiet road
Affentod: Lake
Affentod: Coffe
Affentod: My, my, that's a big one
Affentod: Palace Walls
Affentod: People's Front of Judea
Affentod: Metro Station at Tiananmen Square
Affentod: Forbidden City
Affentod: Beijing
Affentod: Countdown
Affentod: Hall of the People
Affentod: Guess the country
Affentod: Police Department
Affentod: Onwards
Affentod: Guard
Affentod: The Ancient Hall of the Ancient Hall
Affentod: A Building
Affentod: Up & Down