Affentod: Cheers for the final speeches
Affentod: Marching by Schwarzwaldhalle
Affentod: Gamers United
Affentod: Showing flag and faces
Affentod: Baffled Onlookers
Affentod: Patrick agitating
Affentod: Organizer Norman giving a speech
Affentod: eSports in the heart of Karlsruhe
Affentod: Nico from n!faculty
Affentod: The eSports crowd
Affentod: The long march
Affentod: Will this baby run amok?
Affentod: I do not vote for game killers
Affentod: Plenty of demonstraters
Affentod: Broad front
Affentod: First eSports demonstration
Affentod: Beginning of the demonstration
Affentod: Raffle!
Affentod: First gathering
Affentod: Speech
Affentod: Banner
Affentod: T-Shirt
Affentod: Banner
Affentod: Police explains the rules
Affentod: Für Computerspiele
Affentod: Start of the Demonstration