HiltonT: Sergio dos Santos and David Zetner
HiltonT: Ralph Capelouto, Bernard Saven, Leon Green and Ronnie Fendel
HiltonT: Cape Town's Isreal FC 'Old Boys'
HiltonT: Aaron Levin
HiltonT: Jeff Klein making a point
HiltonT: Stan Dickman, Hymie Zeidel and Howard Hoffman
HiltonT: Hymie Challenging Leon to a Bit of Arm Wrestling
HiltonT: A Smiling Hymie Zeidel
HiltonT: Ivan Burnett, Ralph Capulouto, Bernard Saven, Hylton Saven
HiltonT: Table 2
HiltonT: Table 1
HiltonT: Hymie Zeidel and Howard Hoffman
HiltonT: The Tables
HiltonT: Bernard Saven in conversation...
HiltonT: Animated Ivan Burnett
HiltonT: Table scene
HiltonT: Brian Wexler, Leon Wilks, Farrel Cohen and others
HiltonT: Food Arrives
HiltonT: Snouts in the trough
HiltonT: Ivan Burnett has everyone's attention
HiltonT: Harold Hessen, David Zetner, Brian Wexler
HiltonT: At the Israel F.C. (Cape Town) Reunion
HiltonT: Some of the Israel F.C Reunion Attendees
HiltonT: Ivan Burnett
HiltonT: Leon, Howard and Farrell Sort out the bill
HiltonT: Bernard Saven, Manashe Zaroosny and Ronnie Fendel