hilofoz: At Foxton Lock 9
hilofoz: Boat waiting at the passing pound
hilofoz: Virtual Foxton Inclined Plane animation and boiler game
hilofoz: Railings near the Boilerhouse Museum
hilofoz: Foxton Locks Inn through the trees
hilofoz: A favourite pub, Foxton Locks Inn
hilofoz: View of Foxton Locks from Foxton Locks Inn
hilofoz: Tip wagons and old signage outside the Boilerhouse museum
hilofoz: Ripples on the passing Pound and Foxton Lock 13
hilofoz: View from Foxton Lock 11, the number represents the lock below which is 12
hilofoz: Foxton Lock 9 and side pounds
hilofoz: Moorings at the top of Foxton Locks
hilofoz: Walking down to inform the lock keepers we wish to descend
hilofoz: Willow is the first boat to descend
hilofoz: Willow descending in the Top Lock early morning
hilofoz: Red before White as usual
hilofoz: Early morning, no gongoozlers and the café is not open yet
hilofoz: Descending Foxton Locks on a clear autumn morning
hilofoz: The Leicester countryside, the theatrical backdrop of Foxton Locks
hilofoz: Willow in Foxton Lock 10
hilofoz: The volunteers and lock keepers happy to lend a helping hand
hilofoz: Swirling water as it is sucked into the sluices
hilofoz: Willow in Foxton Lock 11
hilofoz: The staircase locks are so named as the top gates of the lock above are the bottom gates of the lock below
hilofoz: The passing pound and Foxton Lock 13
hilofoz: Willow in Foxton Lock 13, first lock of the bottom half of the flight
hilofoz: The single top gate of Lock 13
hilofoz: Sluice channel at Foxton Lock 13
hilofoz: Another three locks to go
hilofoz: Foxton Locks 14, 15 and 16 before Bridge 61