hilofoz: Long barrage at the confluence of the MSC and River Weaver
hilofoz: IneosChlor stack and globular pressure vessels
hilofoz: Old building, new piping
hilofoz: Barrage and sluice gates
hilofoz: The River Weaver sluices run off excess water into the River Mersey
hilofoz: All sorts of coloured pipes, denoting what they carry
hilofoz: Old building and new structures
hilofoz: Weaver Sluice Upstream Jetty
hilofoz: Victorian industrial building and new piping
hilofoz: Close up of reticulation
hilofoz: Weston Point Power Station undergoing refurbishment
hilofoz: Weston Point Power Station
hilofoz: Over the bank is the River Weaver Navigation
hilofoz: Ineos processing plant
hilofoz: Old lock gates along the barrage between the MSC and Mersey
hilofoz: The Mersey begins to narrow at this point
hilofoz: Lock gate, wood and steel
hilofoz: Approaching Eddie Stobarts logistics
hilofoz: The old chapel at Stobart Port
hilofoz: Processing plant near Eddie Stobart wharf
hilofoz: The clock had stopped, but time had not
hilofoz: Eddie Stobart wharf and the basin beyond
hilofoz: Large warehouse and infrastructure at Eddie Stobart Port
hilofoz: Mountains of salt waiting to be processed or transported
hilofoz: Old wharf and bags of salt or soda
hilofoz: Mountains of salt or soda ash
hilofoz: Düzgit Dignity tied up outside Eddie Stobart
hilofoz: Düzgit Dignity
hilofoz: Streamlined prow of Düzgit Dignity
hilofoz: Canada geese swim by, quite oblivious to the dangerous cargo nearby