hilofoz: Leaving our mooring at Cowley and the last lock behind
hilofoz: Benbow Bridge
hilofoz: Footbridge over inlet
hilofoz: Factory arm off Packet Boat Lane
hilofoz: Packet Boat Marina, Grand Union Canal
hilofoz: The Slough Arm
hilofoz: Bridge 190B and the narrow Slough Arm
hilofoz: Vernacular apartments on Waysbury Drive and High Street
hilofoz: High Street warehouse style apartments
hilofoz: New High Street apartments underground parking
hilofoz: Canalside Condominiums on Waysbury Drive
hilofoz: Seating echoing a bridge-like profile
hilofoz: Trout Road Bridge
hilofoz: Alongside St Stephen’s Road
hilofoz: Al Falah Muslim Centre on St Stephen’s Road
hilofoz: Contemporary apartments in Bentinck Street
hilofoz: Last Time You Experienced Naughties?
hilofoz: Nboat_023_29|06|13.jpg
hilofoz: Cellphone tower on Bignell House
hilofoz: Bignell House
hilofoz: New railway overbridge at the RAF Station
hilofoz: The John Guest Speedfit Manufacturing Plant
hilofoz: Horton Bridge
hilofoz: John Guest offices and warehouse buildings
hilofoz: Chancerygate Industrial Centre buildings
hilofoz: Bridges 194A, 195 and Stockley Bridge
hilofoz: Footbridge 195 to Stockley Park
hilofoz: Stockley Bridge
hilofoz: Hanson Aggregates, Gravel processing plant
hilofoz: Gravel piles and conveyor