hillary h: pip throws down
hillary h: jodi throws down
hillary h: hh throws down
hillary h: so much fun!
hillary h: questioning the score?
hillary h: neon candlepins
hillary h: look at that form!
hillary h: shotput time?
hillary h: the ball retrieval thingie
hillary h: my i-got-a-strike happy dance
hillary h: proof of my strike... or spare...
hillary h: tongue out and hands flying!
hillary h: three candlepin bowling amigos
hillary h: sibs, trying hard to avoid the camera
hillary h: reservoir cats?
hillary h: odd fellows local
hillary h: "you are so cute!"
hillary h: luke - b/w
hillary h: luke
hillary h: jodi
hillary h: luke
hillary h: luke - b/w
hillary h: yummy (free) bread
hillary h: yummy (free) bread
hillary h: buy art... not SUVs?
hillary h: nice light on the custom house 3
hillary h: nice light on the custom house 2
hillary h: nice light on the custom house 1
hillary h: i <3 NH fire hydrants!
hillary h: lucky # 7