hildgrim: "How do you eat this?"
hildgrim: Wind power
hildgrim: View from the bar
hildgrim: Some guy chilling at a train stop
hildgrim: Finally in Amsterdam
hildgrim: Had to wait before getting into the central station
hildgrim: Finally, some food
hildgrim: Big balconies and huge windows
hildgrim: You have to eat the mayo to get the beer
hildgrim: Camera in the corner
hildgrim: More netherlands architecture
hildgrim: Scientology is thriving in the netherlands
hildgrim: A lot of bikes
hildgrim: Walking along the streets
hildgrim: It's bicycle repair man!
hildgrim: Water
hildgrim: Some square
hildgrim: Crowded table
hildgrim: Police!
hildgrim: Strange weather
hildgrim: Some dead guy
hildgrim: Small organ
hildgrim: The church
hildgrim: DSC02546
hildgrim: Candle
hildgrim: Golden ball
hildgrim: Big organ
hildgrim: The church
hildgrim: The church
hildgrim: A random spotty bike