hildgrim: My dorm room, shared with another student
hildgrim: Storage room
hildgrim: Closets
hildgrim: My room-mates desk
hildgrim: Library entrance
hildgrim: Chinese students arrived
hildgrim: Foggy day
hildgrim: Dorm café
hildgrim: People enjoying the heat
hildgrim: This is where I'm going to stay for one year
hildgrim: Café food
hildgrim: People eating
hildgrim: Somewhere in the school
hildgrim: AEON bus
hildgrim: Outdoor baseball arena
hildgrim: Sports dome
hildgrim: The gym
hildgrim: Inside on of the normal busses
hildgrim: Murky building
hildgrim: Would be nice to live in one of those houses
hildgrim: Castle entrance
hildgrim: Monument
hildgrim: Shrine
hildgrim: Light-post
hildgrim: Fortune-telling papers
hildgrim: It's protected
hildgrim: Lion
hildgrim: Fox
hildgrim: Fox closeup
hildgrim: Cat before the fox