Hil1818: nyon: me, margy, dad
Hil1818: pretty nyon buildings
Hil1818: narrow street
Hil1818: lac leman
Hil1818: DSCN5054
Hil1818: peacock at the un
Hil1818: euro 2008
Hil1818: eau potable
Hil1818: les souers
Hil1818: DSCN5049
Hil1818: soccer ball!
Hil1818: DSCN5047
Hil1818: backgammon
Hil1818: life sized chess games
Hil1818: DSCN5044
Hil1818: DSCN5043
Hil1818: swans in lac leman
Hil1818: jette d'eau plus soccer ball
Hil1818: istanbul by night
Hil1818: istanbul, asian side
Hil1818: DSCN5038
Hil1818: looking out over the bosporus
Hil1818: from topkapi
Hil1818: me, dad, mom
Hil1818: mom at topkapi
Hil1818: through a topkapi arch
Hil1818: white cat at topkapi
Hil1818: view of the blue mosque
Hil1818: DSCN5030