Hil1818: mommy's bless celebrates xmas with style
Hil1818: goodbye to ryan. emily gives him mantecol for the road.
Hil1818: buddies
Hil1818: stephen and ryan
Hil1818: em and me
Hil1818: done with oral exams
Hil1818: again
Hil1818: stephen, me, ryan, em
Hil1818: DSCN4323
Hil1818: and again
Hil1818: ryan and stephen at the juke box
Hil1818: las chiquillas
Hil1818: christmas tree
Hil1818: emily loves the christmas scene
Hil1818: ¿¡dance party at mommy's bless?!
Hil1818: where'd that disco ball come from?
Hil1818: crazy, colored lights
Hil1818: beautiful day in barrio brasil
Hil1818: stephen, ash, ryan, em