Hil1818: DSCN4201
Hil1818: through the window of the mini van
Hil1818: lots of people went to mendoza for the weekend...
Hil1818: kendra and emily, at the border
Hil1818: crossing into argentina... it's cold up in the mountains!
Hil1818: em is tiny, too, but not as tiny as i am...
Hil1818: i'm so tiny i fit in the hostel's cubbie!
Hil1818: DSCN4208
Hil1818: more fountains
Hil1818: DSCN4210
Hil1818: fountain in one of mendoza's plazas
Hil1818: fountain, with dusk filter
Hil1818: metropolitan park
Hil1818: palm, upside down
Hil1818: DSCN4216
Hil1818: red roses
Hil1818: DSCN4218
Hil1818: white rose
Hil1818: DSCN4220
Hil1818: DSCN4221
Hil1818: DSCN4222
Hil1818: pink roses
Hil1818: DSCN4224
Hil1818: DSCN4225
Hil1818: yellow rose
Hil1818: mini bus CHI-AR
Hil1818: dusk at the pass... look at that long line of cars
Hil1818: DSCN4261
Hil1818: DSCN4260