Hil1818: DSCN3776
Hil1818: and we're off...
Hil1818: amanda, me, ... and a garden gnome?
Hil1818: looking at the view
Hil1818: lots of green... and snowcapped mountains
Hil1818: harto agua
Hil1818: DSCN3782
Hil1818: cascadita, through the trees
Hil1818: ¡que bonito!
Hil1818: stephen, dahlia, amanda
Hil1818: picnicking at the waterfall
Hil1818: cascada
Hil1818: la cascada de las ánimas
Hil1818: beautiful view, cajon del maipo
Hil1818: dahlia and peppers
Hil1818: dahlia... and there's a little bug crawling on her hand
Hil1818: trying to catch cape boy...
Hil1818: whoops, too close
Hil1818: cajon crew