Hil1818: crossing the andes
Hil1818: andes crossing
Hil1818: wine tasting, first vineyard
Hil1818: waiting to get our glasses filled
Hil1818: cheers!
Hil1818: wineTASTING (and smelling)
Hil1818: DSCN3642
Hil1818: bikes and wine
Hil1818: second vineyard
Hil1818: DSCN3645
Hil1818: pretty ladies
Hil1818: DSCN3647
Hil1818: growing grapes
Hil1818: bikes, vineyard
Hil1818: harvested grapes
Hil1818: pouring wine
Hil1818: grrreeeeetchen
Hil1818: that dog would not stop bothering gretchen...
Hil1818: ryan, stephen
Hil1818: emily, ashleigh at bbq buffet dinner
Hil1818: DSCN3656
Hil1818: singer with mullet
Hil1818: DSCN3658
Hil1818: more singer...
Hil1818: close-up
Hil1818: waiting in line for dessert...
Hil1818: unclear what this is doing in mendoza
Hil1818: plaza independencia
Hil1818: ashleigh and her dog
Hil1818: me, at the chile/argentina frontera