Great Salt Lake Images: Sunrise colors on Farmington Bay by mile marker one on the causeway
Great Salt Lake Images: The American flag blowing in a stiff wind
Great Salt Lake Images: An American bison in the meadow above Buffalo Bay
Great Salt Lake Images: Moonset above Tin Lambing Shed Basin on Antelope Island
Great Salt Lake Images: Frary Peak in the morning light
Great Salt Lake Images: S-curve on the east road along Camera Flats
Great Salt Lake Images: A stack of metamorphic rocks by the east road
Great Salt Lake Images: Black-eyed Susans are blooming
Great Salt Lake Images: Cheat grass and Black-eyed Susans
Great Salt Lake Images: Trail to the Frary Homestead site
Great Salt Lake Images: Interpretive sign by the homestead
Great Salt Lake Images: Frary Peak above the Frary Homestead site
Great Salt Lake Images: Alice Frary grave marker
Great Salt Lake Images: Morning clouds over Frary Peak
Great Salt Lake Images: A remnant of the Frary's island life
Great Salt Lake Images: A view of the Farmington Bay lakebed and the Wasatch Range