Great Salt Lake Images: A pair of Barn Swallows hanging out in the summer sun
Great Salt Lake Images: A blackbird singing from its perch in the summer breeze
Great Salt Lake Images: American Avocet soaring in a beautiful summer sky
Great Salt Lake Images: A Black-necked Stilt flying fast through the wetlands
Great Salt Lake Images: Low-flying White-face Ibis
Great Salt Lake Images: American White Pelican taking off
Great Salt Lake Images: Ready for a short flight
Great Salt Lake Images: Shoo, Seagull!
Great Salt Lake Images: A photogenic Clark's Grebe by the Auto Tour Route
Great Salt Lake Images: American Avocet in its graceful flight
Great Salt Lake Images: White-faced Ibises taking flight
Great Salt Lake Images: White-faced Ibis fly by
Great Salt Lake Images: Get out of my space!
Great Salt Lake Images: Stand off between a White-faced Ibis and an American Avocet
Great Salt Lake Images: A Snowy Egret flying low over the water
Great Salt Lake Images: A cowbird perched by the roadside
Great Salt Lake Images: Two American Avocets chasing a California Gull out of their territory
Great Salt Lake Images: An American Avocet sounds a warning
Great Salt Lake Images: American White Pelican looking for a spot to land
Great Salt Lake Images: American White Pelican in its landing pattern
Great Salt Lake Images: American White Pelican on its final approach
Great Salt Lake Images: Two more pelicans entering the air space
Great Salt Lake Images: Two Northern Shovelers emerge from the grasses
Great Salt Lake Images: A Snowy Egret and a Great Blue Heron surveying the wetland
Great Salt Lake Images: A watchful Killdeer wades on the shoreline of wetland unit two
Great Salt Lake Images: Barn Swallow perched by a bridge
Great Salt Lake Images: Three American White Pelicans leave the wetlands
Great Salt Lake Images: A Snowy Egret making its distinct birdsong in the canal