Great Salt Lake Images: Island reflections in the Great Salt Lake
Great Salt Lake Images: Snow-capped Mount Ogden reflecting in Gilbert Bay of the Great Salt Lake
Great Salt Lake Images: Ladyfinger Point and its mirror image
Great Salt Lake Images: Willets on the Egg Island sandbar
Great Salt Lake Images: Wasatch moonrise between Francis Peak and Farmington Canyon
Great Salt Lake Images: Late afternoon colors on Egg Island against the dark contour of Buffalo Point
Great Salt Lake Images: Ladyfinger Point in the golden light of the setting sun
Great Salt Lake Images: California gulls spread out on the west end of Egg Island
Great Salt Lake Images: A colorful spring palette blends its colors in the sky above and the lake below
Great Salt Lake Images: A golden sun touches down into the western horizon as the feathery clouds absorb its heavenly glow
Great Salt Lake Images: Floating on ripples of light
Great Salt Lake Images: Peace! Be still! (Mark 4:39)
Great Salt Lake Images: Paddling by the light of the silvery moon
Great Salt Lake Images: Precious moonlight, guide me safely back to the harbor