highplains68: Getting away from Gunning
highplains68: Gunning it at you know where ...
highplains68: 6BM4 downhill
highplains68: Cullerin's twilight grain
highplains68: Worseley WW2
highplains68: Worseley WW2 inland fuel tanks
highplains68: Serviceton showing its steam age
highplains68: Steam era Serviceton
highplains68: Serviceton station
highplains68: Bordertown SA
highplains68: Holden Bordertown
highplains68: 'Webb era' reminder ... Tailem bend
highplains68: Webb era 'depot'?
highplains68: Inside looking out to 3PM6
highplains68: Tailem straight
highplains68: Callington before the curve
highplains68: Interlude with 5AM5
highplains68: 'Photoline' Mt Lofty
highplains68: Down by the seaside
highplains68: Beach track ...
highplains68: Goolwa pines and 621
highplains68: 'Middle road' machines - Mt Lofty
highplains68: 'Green machines' ... 621 and a 2015 Holden
highplains68: Goolwa depot
highplains68: Cockle Train on the coast
highplains68: Cactus valley
highplains68: Harbor turn
highplains68: Goolwa cutoff
highplains68: The 'big looking' small Pacific
highplains68: Going to Goolwa ... well actually arriving!