*highlimitzz: IMG_0728
*highlimitzz: NR museum
*highlimitzz: some of the pictures at norman rockwell
*highlimitzz: some stolen shots at norman rockwell
*highlimitzz: norman rockwell museum
*highlimitzz: norman rockwell museum
*highlimitzz: it is him! norman rockwell! :-)
*highlimitzz: norman rockwell museum
*highlimitzz: 24-70 mm test
*highlimitzz: flower box at Norman Rockwell museum
*highlimitzz: house in the woods at norman rockwell museum
*highlimitzz: my own concoction of salad at Dakota Steakhouse, lenox. massachusetts
*highlimitzz: a lump of maryland crabcake
*highlimitzz: wheat bread to die for
*highlimitzz: porterhouse at dakota steakhouse
*highlimitzz: deer hunter
*highlimitzz: look the angry bear went inside the restaurant! :-D