The Highland Council: 19th RA works Tomnahurich (1)
The Highland Council: 19th Regiment Royal Artillery The Scottish Gunners
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (5)
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (6)
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (7)
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (8)
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (9)
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (10)
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (11)
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (14)
The Highland Council: 19th RA Works Tomnahurich (13)