High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 02
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 03
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 04
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 05
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 06
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 01
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 18
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 11
High Resolution1: Park Ranger, Maine
High Resolution1: Turn to Clear Vision
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 14
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 15
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 16
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 17
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 19
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 07
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 08
High Resolution1: Sense of Place, Maine 10
High Resolution1: Hoisting the sails on Schooner Appledore
High Resolution1: Schooner Appledore with dog
High Resolution1: Schooner Appledore crew
High Resolution1: Schooner Appledore
High Resolution1: Captain of Schooner Appledore