lifeslittlepuzzle: Friday night dinner. Yum!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Floor tent!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Tired out Friday night! Michaela went to the pool with Mommy and Melanie played in the plastic tub on the back porch with Daddy!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Saturday morning full of energy!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Michaela
lifeslittlepuzzle: Lake Monroe
lifeslittlepuzzle: Keena enjoying the wild life!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Lake Monroe
lifeslittlepuzzle: Morning dew on a spider web
lifeslittlepuzzle: Playing "Go Fish" with Daddy
lifeslittlepuzzle: Melanie at the lake beach
lifeslittlepuzzle: The girls having a blast!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Lake Monroe
lifeslittlepuzzle: Michaela trying to buld a sand castle
lifeslittlepuzzle: Melanie "helping"
lifeslittlepuzzle: Lake Monroe marina
lifeslittlepuzzle: Michaela swimming!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Our little fish!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Melanie watching a Disney movie to help relax
lifeslittlepuzzle: Saturday evening
lifeslittlepuzzle: Michaela bird watching!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Relaxing
lifeslittlepuzzle: Watching for birds!
lifeslittlepuzzle: Michaela loves finding the birds in the Indiana bird book
lifeslittlepuzzle: Melanie and Michaela
lifeslittlepuzzle: Can you find the hummingbird?
lifeslittlepuzzle: Hummingbird
lifeslittlepuzzle: Sunday morning sunrise