lifeslittlepuzzle: Aunt Deb plays in the box
lifeslittlepuzzle: Playing in a box
lifeslittlepuzzle: Who knew that cups could be so fun
lifeslittlepuzzle: Great-grandma plays with Melanie
lifeslittlepuzzle: Michaela and her new bean bag
lifeslittlepuzzle: Melanie tries out Michaela's new bean bag
lifeslittlepuzzle: New jewelry
lifeslittlepuzzle: New outfit
lifeslittlepuzzle: New "Green Eggs and Ham" game
lifeslittlepuzzle: New backpack
lifeslittlepuzzle: Michaela shows Aunt Deb and great-grandma info about her school
lifeslittlepuzzle: My Little Pony
lifeslittlepuzzle: Gathering for the party
lifeslittlepuzzle: Michaela gives Aunt Deb a big hug
lifeslittlepuzzle: Great-grandpa get ready for the party