Tobias Higbie: How Monopoly Affects Mr. Jones' Life
Tobias Higbie: How Monopoly Affects Mr. Jones' Life
Tobias Higbie: American Negro Labor Congress
Tobias Higbie: Pins & Needles: Sunday in the Park
Tobias Higbie: Milwaukee Health Talk
Tobias Higbie: Reading room, ILGWU Local62
Tobias Higbie: New Homes Restricted
Tobias Higbie: A Voice in War Production
Tobias Higbie: Tired Men Don't Do Themselves Justice
Tobias Higbie: Co-operation for Victory
Tobias Higbie: CIO News eye
Tobias Higbie: Producing for Victory, back cover
Tobias Higbie: 25 Years of Industrial Unionism
Tobias Higbie: Shop Talk
Tobias Higbie: The Case for Industrial Organization
Tobias Higbie: Hop in Buddy, Let's Go!
Tobias Higbie: No, Not by Craft Methods
Tobias Higbie: Hot and Cold Unions?
Tobias Higbie: Crafts and Industrials Arm in Arm
Tobias Higbie: This Economic Power Must be Organized
Tobias Higbie: The Worker's Share in Industrial Progress
Tobias Higbie: Wages
Tobias Higbie: Let Him Speak
Tobias Higbie: War-time FEPC Record
Tobias Higbie: Labor to Harry Truman
Tobias Higbie: Filibuster
Tobias Higbie: Don't Force Me ... Educate Me!
Tobias Higbie: Discrimination
Tobias Higbie: Back in Business
Tobias Higbie: You Can Do Better