higa: Yves with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer's 'Pulse Spiral'
higa: Yves with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer's 'Pulse Spiral'
higa: recording heart beat
higa: each light pulsed to a different recorded heartbeat
higa: the sound made by all the bulbs was great
higa: Yves with 'Bluebird' by George Boorujy
higa: sheep in mystery gallery we stumbled upon
higa: boo-urns
higa: '2 x 4 Landscape' by Maya Lin
higa: great texture!
higa: 'Blue Lake Pass' by Maya Lin
higa: Stuart and Yves checking out 'Water Line' by Maya Lin
higa: all three works...
higa: thousands of 2x4s...
higa: lovely landscape