hifihillary: about to slap it.
hifihillary: ebow
hifihillary: why can't i hear the bass?
hifihillary: editing
hifihillary: tracking
hifihillary: beast
hifihillary: tracking
hifihillary: 87s behind the kit
hifihillary: bass & gtrs
hifihillary: drums
hifihillary: don't touch the channels marked in red!
hifihillary: squish
hifihillary: todbot setup
hifihillary: beast booth
hifihillary: it makes a chord when you hit them together.
hifihillary: one more...
hifihillary: push the button, beast
hifihillary: cables and xmas lights
hifihillary: gtrs
hifihillary: the space.
hifihillary: posin'
hifihillary: DSC03103
hifihillary: papa squints
hifihillary: squint-o-lini
hifihillary: play it back, hi-fi
hifihillary: the beast asks squints to try it again
hifihillary: making the prids proud
hifihillary: starship enterprise
hifihillary: drinkle concentration