Dis da fi we: Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: Bee and creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: Small White butterfly (Pieris rapae) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - July 2018
Dis da fi we: shy Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - July 2018
Dis da fi we: Bee and creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: Little egret (Egretta garzetta) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: Banded Demoiselle male (Calopteryx splendens) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: on the way to somewhere - creeping thistle - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: Betony - Betonica officinalis - (Stachys officinalis) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: unripe - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: Betony - Betonica officinalis - (Stachys officinalis) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - 13 July 2018
Dis da fi we: butterfly - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - July 2018
Dis da fi we: broad-bodied chaser (Libellula depressa) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - July 2018
Dis da fi we: Dead-nettle (Lamium sp.) - Culm River, Cullompton, Devon - July 2018