hickamorehackamore: "Sometimes you feel like a nut"
hickamorehackamore: Chippy on my front step
hickamorehackamore: Our new neighbor
hickamorehackamore: Briefly at rest
hickamorehackamore: Doing the Hokey-Pokey
hickamorehackamore: Squirrel Heaven
hickamorehackamore: Red Squirrel 4
hickamorehackamore: Melanistic Eastern Gray Squirrel
hickamorehackamore: Squirrel tail
hickamorehackamore: Squirrel Heaven
hickamorehackamore: Emerging Chipmunk (3 of 4)
hickamorehackamore: Nom, nom, nom
hickamorehackamore: Fattening up those cheeks
hickamorehackamore: Squirrel tail - close-up
hickamorehackamore: Enjoying a treat
hickamorehackamore: Enjoying a treat
hickamorehackamore: Squirrel close-up
hickamorehackamore: "Mmm... peanuts!"
hickamorehackamore: "Hey! Time for a refill!"
hickamorehackamore: Trying for the last bit
hickamorehackamore: Eating his weight in peanuts
hickamorehackamore: Stre-e-e-tch
hickamorehackamore: The full monty
hickamorehackamore: Eastern Chipmunk
hickamorehackamore: Melanistic Eastern Gray Squirrel
hickamorehackamore: Upsy-daisy
hickamorehackamore: Giving me the stink-eye
hickamorehackamore: Mmm... sunflower seeds!
hickamorehackamore: This is mah seed pile