hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Walking in from the parking lot
hickamorehackamore: View of Steinbrenner Field from the parking lot
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Crossing the bridge
hickamorehackamore: Yankees host Phillies
hickamorehackamore: View of Buc stadium from Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: View of Buc stadium from Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Phillies dugout
hickamorehackamore: Yankees bullpen
hickamorehackamore: Behind the Yankees dugout
hickamorehackamore: Behind the Yankees dugout
hickamorehackamore: Derek Jeter
hickamorehackamore: Derek Jeter
hickamorehackamore: Derek Jeter
hickamorehackamore: Another Yankee
hickamorehackamore: Another Yankee
hickamorehackamore: Clean sweep
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field
hickamorehackamore: Steinbrenner Field