hickamorehackamore: Bee gathering pollen 6
hickamorehackamore: Grand Central Bee Station 2
hickamorehackamore: Spotted Knapweed - blossom w/ bee
hickamorehackamore: Head first!
hickamorehackamore: Honey Bee (?) on Buddleiea
hickamorehackamore: Bee Mimic (Tachinid Fly) on Daisy
hickamorehackamore: Bottle Gentian with Bee 2
hickamorehackamore: Bee on native Asters
hickamorehackamore: Bee hugging turtlehead
hickamorehackamore: Bee on Coreopsis
hickamorehackamore: Bee on Goldenrod
hickamorehackamore: Bee enjoying the view
hickamorehackamore: Collecting pollen the neat way 2
hickamorehackamore: Bee gathering pollen 5
hickamorehackamore: Bee on Bouncing Bet?
hickamorehackamore: Bee gathering pollen 1
hickamorehackamore: Bumblebee on Anise Hyssop
hickamorehackamore: Honeybee on Coneflower 1
hickamorehackamore: Bee and beetle
hickamorehackamore: Bumblebee on Amsonia
hickamorehackamore: Honeybee on Coneflower 2
hickamorehackamore: The bees love anise hyssop
hickamorehackamore: Late-season pollen-gathering
hickamorehackamore: Bee visiting Asters
hickamorehackamore: Bee on native Asters
hickamorehackamore: Bee on New England Aster
hickamorehackamore: Bee on Daisy
hickamorehackamore: Parasitic wasp
hickamorehackamore: Pollen in the 'saddlebags'
hickamorehackamore: Collecting pollen the messy way 1