hickamorehackamore: Barn and pavilion
hickamorehackamore: Barn (again)
hickamorehackamore: Broad side of a barn
hickamorehackamore: Too full to eat even one more berry
hickamorehackamore: Down the hatch!
hickamorehackamore: Cedar Waxwing stretching for a berry
hickamorehackamore: American Robins enjoying the January "thaw"
hickamorehackamore: Northern Cardinal
hickamorehackamore: Cedar Waxwings - my first sighting of a flock of 'em
hickamorehackamore: American Robin cooling off (it was almost 40 degrees!)
hickamorehackamore: American Robin in winter
hickamorehackamore: Snowy field with trees
hickamorehackamore: Tamarack (aka Larch)
hickamorehackamore: Pine grove
hickamorehackamore: Ornamental grass in winter
hickamorehackamore: Need to ID
hickamorehackamore: White columns
hickamorehackamore: Henry Lauder's Walking Stick, aka Corkscrew Hazelnut
hickamorehackamore: Gates to the unknown
hickamorehackamore: Henry Lauder's heart
hickamorehackamore: Henry Lauder's catkins
hickamorehackamore: Henry Lauder's twists