hickamorehackamore: Winged sumac berries - also, #41 Woody Attractor of Lepidoptera Species (58 species attracted)
hickamorehackamore: Winterberry Holly berries
hickamorehackamore: Arrowleaf Viburnum berries
hickamorehackamore: Spicebush berries ripening
hickamorehackamore: Wild grapes - also, #36 Woody Attractor of Lepidoptera Species (79 species attracted)
hickamorehackamore: Black Cherries - beloved of Bluebirds - #2 Woody Attractor of Lepidoptera Species (456 species attracted)
hickamorehackamore: Spicebush berries - beloved of Wood Thrush
hickamorehackamore: Pokeweed berries
hickamorehackamore: Trumpet Creeper Seed Pods
hickamorehackamore: Butternut - #21 Woody Attractor of Lepidoptera Species (129 species attracted)
hickamorehackamore: Shagbark Hickory Nuts - #10 Woody Attractor of Lepidoptera Species (235 species attracted)
hickamorehackamore: Winterberries against a winter sky
hickamorehackamore: Milkweed pods in November
hickamorehackamore: Milkweed plant that went way overboard with pod production!
hickamorehackamore: Last Year's Milkweeds
hickamorehackamore: Speckled Alder Catkins Against a Winter Sky - #9 Woody Attractor of Lepidoptera (255 species attracted)
hickamorehackamore: Native Cattail in Winter
hickamorehackamore: Wildflower on Christmas Day
hickamorehackamore: Squirrel Delight (Acorn Served on a Bed of Moss)
hickamorehackamore: Spring's Little Surprises
hickamorehackamore: A very fruitful tree
hickamorehackamore: Next generation of maples
hickamorehackamore: Willow catkins
hickamorehackamore: Willow catkins, spider webs
hickamorehackamore: Unidentified plant (but looks like a legume)
hickamorehackamore: Cherry blossoms turning to fruit before our eyes
hickamorehackamore: Dandelion after the rain
hickamorehackamore: Fruitful tree
hickamorehackamore: Beautiful Staghorn Sumac
hickamorehackamore: MOCK strawberries