Halsey Institute: The Cat Has A Tongue, 1988, 16”x20”, Ilfochrome Print
Halsey Institute: BUCKUP, 1998, 7"x24”, Chromogenic Print
Halsey Institute: Full Bladder/Empty, 1993, 3”x8”, RC Photobooth Prints
Halsey Institute: First Dollar I Ever Made, 2000, 3.5”x9”, Gelatin Silver Print
Halsey Institute: Shirts, 2003, 6”x24”, Chromogenic Print
Halsey Institute: 21 Days, 1992, 20”x16”, Chromogenic Print
Halsey Institute: Sit Down In The Chair, 1985, 20"x16”, Ilfochrome print
Halsey Institute: New Radio Market, 1988, 14”x20”, Chromogenic Print