[phil h]: Dans la cour
[phil h]: HIP_289527459.071161
[phil h]: hmmm..
[phil h]: HIP_289497447.696059
[phil h]: hippety-hip?
[phil h]: from my house to yours: bests for...
[phil h]: wiggle
[phil h]: Bogotito - live at Sentier des Halles in Paris tonight and tomorrow night.
[phil h]: You know it's summer again when...
[phil h]: saturday.
[phil h]: Fußball-Fieber
[phil h]: Barack O'Triptych
[phil h]: happy little canoe dudes...
[phil h]: a hundred indecisions
[phil h]: cheesecake in a glass
[phil h]: cheers
[phil h]: just a couple more things to do before bedtime.
[phil h]: IMG_0983ed1
[phil h]: find me behind the iron ship
[phil h]: IMG_0243ed2
[phil h]: IMG_0243ed1
[phil h]: deal
[phil h]: fork in water
[phil h]: variations A
[phil h]: IMG_1827LRed1
[phil h]: rainbowish
[phil h]: DSC_0019LRed1
[phil h]: DSC_0014LRed1