spOt_ON: Jalan Bunga Raya
spOt_ON: Discovery Cafe
spOt_ON: Discovery Cafe and Guest House
spOt_ON: Bunga Raya Back Lane
spOt_ON: The narrow lane separating two shophouses
spOt_ON: The main road
spOt_ON: The street is beginning to attract new budget hotels
spOt_ON: Typical sundry shop
spOt_ON: Typical sundry shop
spOt_ON: Jalan Bunga Raya
spOt_ON: Discovery Cafe
spOt_ON: View from Discovery Cafe
spOt_ON: View from Discovery Cafe
spOt_ON: P7270527
spOt_ON: IMG_4299
spOt_ON: IMG_4300
spOt_ON: IMG_4301
spOt_ON: IMG_4302
spOt_ON: IMG_4294
spOt_ON: IMG_4295