hhjjj: custom aluminum panel
hhjjj: aluminum panels
hhjjj: custom aluminum panel
hhjjj: adjustment
hhjjj: pre assembled
hhjjj: aluminum panels
hhjjj: aluminum panels
hhjjj: aluminum panels
hhjjj: sanding for painting
hhjjj: cleaning with thinner
hhjjj: supported with bolts for painting
hhjjj: painting
hhjjj: drying with fan
hhjjj: painted
hhjjj: from Studio hhjjj
hhjjj: painted
hhjjj: switches mounted
hhjjj: close up
hhjjj: assembling
hhjjj: cable harnessing
hhjjj: signal test
hhjjj: power connector and more
hhjjj: side view
hhjjj: testing view
hhjjj: my desk
hhjjj: testing